HappY nEW yeaR


hye...gud nite..so great to be in this blog hahaha...!!!2010 will pass in a few hours after i write on this post..woooww...what a short time right?? 2011 will take place..u must beleive this,,2010 is a great year 4 me..why??? so many things happen in this year...what, a memorable year!!! talk about new year..i'm sure u 're thinking what i'm thinking..hahha..new year..new wishes..is it suit with "wish"..??

ok laa..au ckp mat salleh nnt ad org x fhm plak..hehe..azam laa yg sy maksudkan..thun bau.,mesti ada azam baru kan...alhamdulillah..azam sy untuk 2010 tercapai..iaitu mendpat straight a's..dlm pmr..amin.sy syukur sngat..apa agaknya azam sy thun ni??? hummm...bnyk sbnarnya..nk sy listkan???
  • berusaha untuk kekalkan prestasi cemerlang dlm pelajaran..
  •  bg fokus sepenuhnya untuk subjek baru, kimia,bio,fizik n addmath
  • mesti ikut jadual belajar yg tlah dibuat..x nak jd cam thu2 yg lps..buat tp x ikut..heheh
  • libatkan diri dlm apa2 acara...i'll try..tp sukan ..i say NOOOO..
  • x bleh main2..serius..
  • cita2 still lg..x tntu..tp....nnttkann
tuh jer kott..sbb bnda laen x trlintas lg..hehehe...

papewpn..again happy new year!!!!

